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    Talking about succession can be difficult. In this module, you can find useful advice on how to approach the topic of succession and why you should be talking about it.

    This module contains:

    • Two videos on succession planning (scroll down to view)
    • A video on the practicalities of succession planning (scroll down to view)
    • A video on family meetings (scroll down to view)

    Watch the below videos, with Oliver Hall from Andersons and Heather Wildman from Saviour Associates, to find out why succession planning is so important to farming businesses.


    Video 1

    In this first video, ‘Succession - Getting Started (Part 1),’ Heather discusses when and how to broach the topic of succession, as well as the importance of preparing for the 6 D’s:

    1) Death

    2) Disability

    3) Disaster/Disease

    4) Divorce

    5) Disagreements

    6) Debt

    Video 2

    In the second part of ‘Succession - Getting Started,’ Heather helps us to think about where we are, where we want to be and what makes us happy. These questions will help get the ball rolling, ready for you to start succession planning for your business.

    Video 3

    This video is for those looking to better understand the practicalities of succession planning, such as preparing documentation ready for professional and legal advice.

    Video 4

    Watch this final video to find out how to set up a family meeting to talk about succession. Oliver and Heather talk us though how to successfully agree a vision, communicate this, and collaborate with those around us to achieve a common goal.

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