8 Courses
Farm Business
This module is ideal for those looking to better understand the Future Farming Resilience Fund.
Joe Scarratt from Andersons and Mark Thomas, Head of Services at FCN, cover a range of topics – from financial resilience to personal resilience and stress management, in a webinar hosted by Fraser Hugill (a farmer in North Yorkshire).
Farm Business
This module introduces four common types of farm business structures: (1) sole trader, (2) partnership, (3) limited liability partnership and (4) limited company. The module provides information on how each business structure operates and where associated legal liabilities and duties lie. Read more to find out whether your business structure is working for you and what alternative options are available.
Farm Business
This module, hosted by Neil Wilson from SAB Advisory, will guide you through developing and presenting a business case to the bank. Neil shares his experience of sitting on the bank managers side of the table, and gives insight into what he looks for in a business proposition. This module also provides a useful checklist to assist with meeting preparation, as well as guidance on presenting both strengths and weaknesses of a business.
Farm Business
A Contract Farming Agreement (CFA) is a formal agreement between two parties: (1) The Farmer and (2) The Contractor – aimed at driving a successful farming business. CFA’s are becoming increasingly common across the UK agricultural scene and can be applied to all types of farming (including both arable land and livestock). However, CFA’s need to be administered properly to ensure they are fair and legally binding. This module summarises critical information around CFA's.
Farm Business
Tax accounts must be completed for every business on an annual basis. However, by the time they are finalised, tax accounts are a year out of date, so are rarely looked at in sufficient detail. In this module, Edward Calcott, farm adviser from Andersons, helps you to better understand your tax accounts by looking at the breakdown between income and profit, variable costs and valuation change.
Farm Business
This module contains a presentation on ‘Getting Your Books in Order,’ led by Christine Thompson, founding partner of ABT. Christine raises several questions relating to current farmyard procedures in order to (1) review your current farm office procedures and identify any necessary changes, (2) assess your business skills and identify any training requirements and (3) improve your understanding of farming financial procedures.
Farm Business
This module features short conversations with a land agent, solicitor, accountant and bank manager, all of whom specialise in advising and supporting farming and estate businesses. They share their experience on what makes a good professional, the questions a farmer should be asking them, and how to get the most out of your investment in their services.
Farm Business
Knowing and understanding your financial figures and performance indicators enables you to compare your farming business to others, highlighting room for improvement. This module includes a video featuring Jake Armstrong-Frost from Andersons, providing a range of information, including how to benchmark using whole farm proportional analysis and tax accounts. Watch this video for more information on how benchmarking can help your farming business!